Posted by: michelenel | 14 February, 2012

Useful UFOs…..

I know for a fact that I am not the only crafter with a few UFOs (unfinished objects) in my work room – come on, don’t fib, admit that you are a craft-a-holic and every new project idea you see has to be tried and not all are finished.

Anyhow, I have found a very useful application for a few of mine – to decorate my sewing room and demonstrate various techniques to my quilting group…..

This example will one day become a clock with each of the quarter hours a pansy posy – that’s the theory anyway.  I embroidered this with a single floss strand in long and short stitch which is why it is taking so long, and it doesn’t help that my eyes are getting worse as I get older and it makes it practically impossible to work in anything but brilliant daylight – the joy’s of aging – just as I get experience and knowledge my eyes start to let me down!  Oh well, I guess I had better go and buy those new varifocals that were recommended at my last eye check.

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